‘An Old Festival of the Newest Music’


Member of Logo_lieu – Laboratoire Instrumental Européen
Featuring ensembles:


Altera Veritas (Riga)

Ensemble Aleph (Paris)



7 October 2010 at 20.00

Ljubljana, Slovenian Philharmonic, Marjan Kozina Hall – Festival Slowind 2010
Pre-concert talk at 19.15 (Slavko Osterc Hall) with Altera Veritas and Aleph members
conductor Simon Krečič
Alexandra Filonenko (Ukraine/Germany): Das druckende Fehlen eines erschaffenden Raums… (2009) for clarinet, accordion, violin, cello, trumpet and percussion
Diana Molvik (Latvia): Manuscript for flute, accordion and 2 kokles
Dominique Clement (France): Wind Quintet
Malin Bang (Sweden): Faces and moon splinters (2009) for voice, clarinet, violin, cello, trumpet and piano
Santa Bušs (Latvia): Intim (2008) for wind quintet
Imants Mežaraups (Latvia): BitterSuite (2010) for flute, accordion, 2 kokles and wind quintet (Commision of Altera Veritas for the 12th Festival Slowind 2010 and LIEU)

8 October 2010 at 20.00

Ljubljana, Slovenian Philharmonic, Marjan Kozina Hall – Festival Slowind 2010
Pre-concert talk at 19.15 (Slavko Osterc Hall) with composer Bojana Šaljić Podešva
Pablo Galaz Salamanca (Chile): El ruido de la memoria (2009) for bass clarinet, violin, cello, trumpet, piano and percussion
Andris Dzenītis (Latvia): Nāves dēsts. Dzīves dēsts (Der Todeskeim. Der Lebenskeim) (2000) for flute and 2 kokles
Bojana Šaljić Podešva (Slovenia): Prepih (2010) for wind quintet and electronics (World premiere, Commision of Slowind Wind Quintet for the 12th Festival Slowind 2010 and LIEU)
Bernard Cavanna (France): Fauve (1994) for violin solo
Aurel Stroë (Romunia/France): Quintandre (Hommage à Varèse) (1982) for wind quintet
Nikolay Khrust (Russia): Prometheus. Sliding time (2009) for voice, clarinet, violin, cello, didgeridoo, piano and percussion

9 October 2010 at 20.00

Ljubljana, Slovenian Philharmonic, Marjan Kozina Hall – Festival Slowind 2010
Pre-concert talk at 19.15 (Slavko Osterc Hall) with composer Niels Rosing-Schow
Analia Beatriz Llugdar (Argentina/ZDA): Kre pouc te for soprano, clarinet, violin, cello, trumpet, piano and percussion
Ēriks Ešenvalds (Latvia): Cryptic (2002) for flute, accordion and 2 kokles
Nicolas Tzortzis (Greece/France): Amenable (2009) for clarinet, violin, cello, piano and percussion
Marco Stroppa (Italy/France): Ossia, seven strophes for a literary drone (2005) for violin, cello and piano
Niels Rosing-Schow (Denmark): New work (2010) for violin, cello, accordion and 2 kokles (World premiere, Commision of the Ensemble Aleph for the 12th Festival Slowind 2010 and LIEU)

10 October 2010 at 20.00

Ljubljana, Slovenian Philharmonic, Marjan Kozina Hall – Festival Slowind 2010
LIEU General Meeting

11 October 2010 at 20.00

Ljubljana, Slovenian Philharmonic, Marjan Kozina Hall – Festival Slowind 2010
Pre-concert talk at 19.15 (Slavko Osterc Hall) with composer Neville Hall
Neville Hall (New Zealand/Slovenia):
– eye-glitter out of black air 1 (2010) for wind quintet (World premiere, Commision of Slowind Wind Quintet for the 12th Festival Slowind 2010 and LIEU)
– and, out of nothing, a breathing, hot breath on my ankles (2000) for flute solo
– beasts like shadows in glass (2003) for horn solo
– now ivory silence (2007) for clarinet solo (World premiere)
– a furred tail upon nothingness (2008) for oboe solo (World premiere)
– lifeless air become sinewed (2009) for bassoon solo (World premiere)
– eye-glitter out of black air 2 (2010) for wind quintet (World premiere, Commision of Slowind Wind Quintet for the 12th Festival Slowind 2010 and LIEU)

12 October 2010, from 11.00 till 18.00

International Workshop – COMPOSING AS PRACTICE
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Aškerčeva 2, Ljubljana, “Modra soba” (5th floor)
A discussion (in English) with composers, guests of the 12th Festival Slowind 2010 for musicians, composers, musicologists, students of music and musicology and any other professionals
Gérard Buquet
Neville Hall
Nieles Rosing-Schow
Jean-Charles François
Dominique Clément

12 October 2010 at 20.00

Ljubljana, Slovenian Philharmonic, Marjan Kozina Hall – Festival Slowind 2010
Pre-concert talk at 19.15 (Slavko Osterc Hall) with composers Gérard Buquet, Jean-Charles François and Alfred Huber
Andrea Rucli piano
Oskar Laznik saxophone
conductor Simon Krečič
Vittorio Montalti (Italy): Nu descendant un escalier (2008) for clarinet, violin, cello, piano and percussion
Mari Kamimoto (Japan) Parfum de la nuit (2009) for voice, clarinet, bass clarinet, violin, cello, accordion and percussion
Gundega Šmite (Latvia): Skatoties… Sapnojot.. (2003) for flute, accordion and 2 kokles
Gérard Buquet (France): L’enclume des forces (2010) for bass clarinet and wind quintet (World premiere, Commision of the Ensemble Aleph for the 12th Festival Slowind 2010 and LIEU)
Jean-Charles François (France): Slam de la Mund Alienation for soprano and percussion
Alfred Huber (Germany): Sextet (2010) (first performance) for piano and wind quintet
Nina Šenk (Slovenia): …glitzert, flimmert, vergeht… (2010) for soprano and large ensemble (World premiere, Commision of Slowind Wind Quintet for the 12th Festival Slowind 2010 and LIEU)